Dr Andrew
Dr Andrew Cronin – Flight Lieutenant (Retd)
MBBS UQ, BEng (Hons), MMgtSt UNSW, GCertAeromedRet, MPH&TM JCU, GCertHltSci QUT, FACRRM, FRACGP (2016), FARGP, AFRACMA (2016), MRAeS, GAICD
- Served in the RAAF as an Aeronautical Engineer, posted to No 2 Flying Training School, Defence Materiel Organisation and 33 Squadron.
- Commenced Medical School at the University of Queensland in 2004.
- Graduated from Medical School in 2007, worked at Greenslopes Repatriation Hospital in 2008-2010.
- Commenced Rural Generalist Training in Far North Queensland and Rural Victoria.
- RACGP Fellowship in 2016 with Rural Fellowship and GP-Anaesthetic Qualification.
- Worked for Lifeflight and Royal Flying Doctor Service in Rural Queensland since 2016.
- Casual contract working from ADF Garrison Support since 2019.
- Qualified Board Director, US Aviation (FAA) and Australian Aviation (CASA) Medicals, Aeromedical Retrievals.
Why Veterans’ Health?
Being a Veteran myself, I recognise the service that the Veterans have provided for the country, and am motivated to ensure that Australian Veterans receive the best healthcare available in the world.
Dr Steve
Dr Steven Smith – Former ADF Civilian Contracted Medical Officer
- Commenced Medical School in 1987 in Brisbane at University of Queensland.
- Graduated in 1992 with MBBS and commenced work at Toowoomba Base Hospital.
- Employed by Queensland Health as Medical Officer and Medical Superintendent at St George and Dirranbandi Hospitals until 1997.
- Dr Steve then moved into Indigenous Health, running the Goondir Aboriginal Medical Centre and General Practice in St George from 1998 until 2001.
- Moving to Brisbane in 2002, Dr Steve worked in various General Practices in southside Brisbane until 2013.
- Became a Civilian Contractor to the ADF Garrison Support contract in 2014, working in Townsville and South-east Queensland until starting AVHS.
- Dr Steve also completed the ADF Aviation Medical Officer Course in 2015.
Why Veterans’ Health?
To help the veterans (and their families) who have sacrificed much in the service of their country. Thank you for your service & respect.
Dr Paul
Dr Paul Shumack – Group Captain (Retd)
- Specialist in Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Served in the RAAF as a Senior Aviation Medical Officer for 50+ years
- Commanding Officer of 3 RAAF Hospital and 6 RAAF Hospital
- Commanding Officer RAAF Institute of Aviation Medicine
- Chief of Flight Medicine Tactical Air Command – US Airforce
- Completed Medical School at the University of Queensland
- Director of ‘Variety – the Children’s Charity’ since the mid-nineties
- Honorary Medical Officer of Variety Queensland
- 30 years attending the annual Variety Bash
Why Veterans’ Health?
It is rewarding to be a part of the Veteran’s journey and address both the physical and mental challenges they may face. I love contributing to their well-being and helping them transition smoothly from military to civilian life.
Nursing & Support Staff
Amanda – Flying Officer (Retd)
BNurs, MPH, GradDipIntHth, GradCertWHS, JP (Qual), Immunisation provider, Registered Nurse
- Amanda’s commenced her nursing career by completing a Bachelor of Nursing through Griffith University in 2001.
- Already having a family tradition of family ADF Service in Papua New Guinea and Vietnam, Amanda joined the RAAF Reserve in 2003 for five years in Darwin and Canberra.
- Amanda has worked in ADF Health Services across Australia, including RAAF Darwin & Robertson Barracks in the NT, RAAF Amberley and Enoggera Barracks in Queensland, Duntroon in the ACT and RAAF Edinburgh to Keswick Barracks in SA.
- Amanda has an interest in remote indigenous communities and indigenous health research and has volunteered with the Vietnam Veterans Reconstruction Group in Vietnam.
- Amanda still works within emergency departments and is a Justice of the Peace. She provides witnessing and certification for documents for Veterans as part of her work with AVHS.
Why Veterans’ Health?
To honor the commitment and sacrifice that Veterans have shown in the service of our country, and in remembering that not all wounds are physical.
Jane– Registered Nurse
Bachelor Nursing Science, Grad Dip General Practice & Community Health, Immunisation Provider, Registered Nurse
- Jane commenced her nursing career by completing a Bachelor of Nursing Science through James Cook University in 2012.
- After working for several years in the hospital setting, Jane realised her passion lies in the primary health care setting including working with Indigenous families to provide education and support to improve their health outcomes.
- Jane completed her post graduate diploma in General Practice and Community Health in 2019.
- Jane has worked in ADF Health Services at RAAF Tindal in the NT and at RAAF Amberley.
Why Veterans’ Health?
To help provide health care to our Veterans’ who are suffering from medical conditions obtained from their service for their country and to try and make the process for them a little bit easier.
Bernedette – Sergeant (GRES – Retd)
- Bernedette is a Veteran of 32 years in the Reserves in RAAPC and RAAOC, discharging in 2016.
- Her units included; 25 RQR (Toowoomba), 25/49 RQR (Enoggera), 1 TRG GP (Wacol), and QUR (University of Queensland).
- Bernedette has a wealth of experience with the Department of Defence since 2000, including Transitions Career Coach, Military Administration and Pay, and RAAF Amberley Medical Centre – Specialist Clerk.
- AVHS are honoured to have this Veteran as part of the AVHS team.
Why Veterans’ Health?
To honor Veterans by providing access to best healthcare that will support their needs in a friendly and safe space.